This type of portfolio invests all of its assets in the Equity market which are listed in the Egyptian Stock Exchange and abroad. It is considered a risky portfolio but our carefully designed investment process helps minimize that risk by diversifying the portfolio in different stocks with different sectors
Portfolio that combines a stock component, a bond component and, sometimes, a money market component, in a single portfolio. Generally, these hybrid funds stick to a relatively fixed mix of stocks and bonds that reflects either a moderate (higher equity component) or conservative (higher fixed-income component) orientation.
Capital guarantee portfolios holds a low-risk. The portfolio may require that an investor remain invested for set number of years, as many of the underlying securities are bonds that need time to reach maturity and, subsequently, repay principal. The return on these funds are higher than savings account or money market returns. Portfolio managers in order to minimize the fund’s risk of absorbing losses will keep the majority of underlying assets conservative in investment vehicles such as bonds or treasury Bills. They may invest a small percentage in high-risk equities.
This type of portfolio is more suited for risk-averse or conservative clients either public individuals or private entities. The main aim of this kind of portfolios are capital preservation and providing the client with a fixed income on a steady rate and a set period which can be suitable for insurance funds, pension funds and maintenance funds.
This type of portfolio is more suited for clients with moderate risk profile nor individuals , private entities. the main aim of this kind of investment is providing capital preservation and providing the client with a fixed income on a steady rate and a set period.
Arbitrage is basically buying a security in one market and simultaneously selling it in another market at a higher price, profiting from the temporary difference in prices. This is considered a risk-free profit for the investor/trader.